Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ethan's First Birthday

Ethan's first taste of cake and ice cream.

After the candles were blown out everyone cheered and clapped. Ethan, of course, didn't know what was happening, but he joined in anyway.

Ethan "blowing" out his candles. The candle in the middle says "1" and the other two are shaped like stars.

Ethan started to walk for real just before his first birthday party. Shawn was holding a balloon and Ethan wanted it, so he took 11 steps to get it. Up until then he had taken a few steps at a time, but I think 4 steps was his max. Once everyone got there he just kept walking. It was almost as if he had been able to do it for awhile and just decided that that night was the night that he was going to show off.

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