Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ethan in his new Christmas PJs

Ethan playing in grandma Gifford's lid drawer.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

We finally made a blog!

Well, I finally did it. I've been meaning to create a blog for quite awhile now, but there always seems to be other things that need done first. My intent is to keep this updated so we can stay in touch better with all of our friends and family, though I make no promises. So, here are the new and exciting things going on in the Sharp family.

We recently moved into a home (Yeah, no more apartments!!!) in Auburn, WA. The house is almost 1,000 square feet more than either of the apartments that we have lived in since getting married, so we are just thrilled. We are also loving the fact that we have a good sized back yard and the landscaping that is already done is actually very pretty. The only thing that we are going to do to change in is fill in the big hole that the former occupants left from where their pool was. This summer we will turn that area into a garden. last summer we were only able to have a few pots out on our patio, so we are excited to be able to have a real garden this year. Ethan is loving having all the space to crawl around in.

The other major announcement we have is that we learned a little before Christmas that Ali is pregnant again. It was a bit sooner than we were anticipating, but that's okay. I guess the Lord knows more than we do. This new addition to our family is expected to arrive on August 1st. As of yesterday, Jan 24th, Ali is 14 weeks along. That means that it is still too early to know whether it is a boy or a girl, but we'll let you know as soon as we know.

Shawn is doing very well. He is really liking his job. He's been on the same job site for several months and since his superintendant seems to really like him, he will likely be there for the life of the project (about 2 years). This is a blessing because it provides consistancy and a little more job security. He is also in his second semester of Auto CAD classes, which will help him in his ultimate goal of becoming a superintendant. He's been learning so much and is just loving his schooling.

Ali has subbed once in awhile for some local music classes, but mostly she is enjoying staying home and being a mom. She just got called to be the enrichment counselor in our new ward's Relief Society presidency. This new calling is sure to bring all kinds of new adventures.

Ethan is growing up so fast and so strong. He weighs 22 pounds and 3 ounces and is nearly 30 inches tall. He is crawling everywhere he can and getting into all kinds of things (he definitely keeps his mom and dad busy). He's not walking by himself yet, but he will stand without holding onto anything and will walk while holding onto various things, so we don't think it will be too much longer. He's getting really good at the stairs too. If we turn our backs for just a second it seems, he hurries towards the stairs and before we know it, he's climbed all the way to the bottom or to the top of them. He thinks that they are his personal playground. He will be turning one in just a few short weeks, February 12th. It's amazing how fast the time goes. It doesn't seem possible that a whole year has gone by since he was born.

Well, that's about it for now.