Ethan always likes to be right in the middle of things and he absolutely loves working with his Grandpa. He especially likes to play with the watering can, so when Grandma saw this little toy watering can at the store, she just couldn't resist. After the Easter Egg Hunt on 4/11/09, Grandpa started doing some watering and as soon as Ethan saw him, he high-tailed it over to him, his easter basket totally forgotten. Anyway, Grandma ran and got this little watering can and Ethan had a blast watering the sidewalk. We tried to get him to water the flowers in the pots, but apparently he thought the sidewalk needed it more.
This entertained him for a really long time as long as we kept his watering can filled with water. The first time he ran out, he just started to cry, not understanding why his toy all of a sudden stopped working. It wasn't long, however, until he figured out that if he brought it back to the hose, someone would fill it up for him. Needless to say, he was soaked by the time he was done, but it was totally worth it. It's amazing how much fun something so small can be.